A review of human history teaches us that the more difficult things get, the greater the need grows to stay confident. No difficulties could ever stop the wheel of history.
For us to break through the mist and embrace a bright future, the biggest strength comes from cooperation and the most effective way is through solidarity.
共同守护人类生命健康。We need to work together to defend people’s lives and health.
共同促进经济复苏。We need to work together to promote economic recovery.
共同维护世界和平安宁。We need to work together to maintain peace and stability in the world.
共同应对全球治理挑战。We need to work together to tackle global governance challenges.
We should resolutely safeguard peace in Asia.
积极推动亚洲合作。We should vigorously advance Asian cooperation.
共同促进亚洲团结。We should jointly promote Asian unity.
To promote security for all in the world, China would like to propose a Global Security Initiative as follows:
stay committed to abiding by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, reject the Cold War mentality, oppose unilateralism, and say no to group politics and bloc confrontation;
stay committed to taking the legitimate security concerns of all countries seriously, uphold the principle of indivisible security, build a balanced, effective and sustainable security architecture, and oppose the pursuit of one’s own security at the cost of others’ security;
stay committed to peacefully resolving differences and disputes between countries through dialogue and consultation, support all efforts conducive to the peaceful settlement of crises, reject double standards, and oppose the wanton use of unilateral sanctions and long-arm jurisdiction;
Security is the precondition for development. We humanity are living in an indivisible security community.
世界各国乘坐在一条命运与共的大船上,要穿越惊涛骇浪、驶向光明未来,必须同舟共济,企图把谁扔下大海都是不可接受的。Countries around the world are like passengers aboard the same ship who share the same destiny. For the ship to navigate the storm and sail toward a bright future, all passengers must pull together. The thought of throwing anyone overboard is simply not acceptable.
中国经济韧性强、潜力足、回旋余地广、长期向好的基本面不会改变,将为世界经济企稳复苏提供强大动能,为各国提供更广阔的市场机会。The fundamentals of the Chinese economy -- its strong resilience, enormous potential, vast room for maneuver and long-term sustainability -- remain unchanged. They will provide great dynamism for the stability and recovery of the world economy and broader market opportunities for all countries.
中国将始终不渝坚持走和平发展道路,始终做世界和平的建设者、全球发展的贡献者、国际秩序的维护者。China will unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development, and always be a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, and a defender of the international order.特色用语
One must not change his commitment or give up his pursuit even in the face of danger and risk.
Stability brings a country prosperity while instability leads a country to poverty.
Climb the hill together and go down the ravine together.
Sugarcane and lemongrass grow in dense clumps.
Keep walking and one will not be daunted by a thousand miles; make constant efforts and one will not be intimidated by a thousand tasks.
媒体来源:新华网 / 译文来源:外交部